Made in Italy by Rubinetterie Treemme

Made in Italy by Rubinetterie Treemme

Today we’d like to talk to you about us, our land and our idea of the authentic Made in Italy concept.

Our Tuscany region, with the marvellous landscape of the Crete Senesi area, was the birthplace of Rubinetterie Treemme, established here over 50 years ago.

Poetry Made in Italy: the Crete Senesi area

“Beyond Siena, over the Ponte d'Arbia bridge, lies this glowing land, my inseparable companion however far away I go”.

These are the words used by the poet Mario Luzi to describe the Crete Senesi, an area that embraces several municipalities and at the heart of which is Asciano, home to our company. The hallmark feature of this area are its calanques and biancane, distinctive formations that create breath-taking scenery unrivalled worldwide.

A strong sense of belonging to this land has always had a bearing on the choices we make as a company, and the desire to remain here is almost an ethical and social commitment that drives us to increasingly manufacture our products in-house, thus preserving the origin of our creations. We select our suppliers carefully and create almost all of the collections in the catalogue here in our own factory. So rather than “Made in Italy”, in our case it’s more accurate to say Made in Tuscany, indeed Made in Asciano.

Eco-sustainability: rethinking the present with an eye on the future

We decided to go down the path of eco-sustainability some years ago now.

Terms such as “biocompatible” or “energy saving” have become an integral part of our company philosophy. Rubinetterie Treemme has always been sensitive to these issues, and we have held WATERLABEL certification for all our products for some time now.

We undertake to design technologically advanced taps, never taking our eye off the need to protect the environment at every stage of the production process and throughout their useful lives.

For example, we recently introduced the use of PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition), a finish able to revolutionise the world of taps. This coating is perfect for applying to steel, a material that is naturally recyclable: no polluting elements are produced anywhere along the production chain, and no chemical waste is created, thus offering a process with zero environmental impact.

This combination of local roots and eco-sustainability is very much a matter of pride for us. Rubinetterie Treemme collections are the expression of these values, teamed with a unique Italian design that has earned admiration worldwide.  

Jul 26, 2022